Upcoming Events
For directions to meeting places, arrangements to meet you along the way, and other information, contact Bill Ostrander at 607-207-0000 or browncreeper9@gmail.com. CVAS is committed to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in our conservation and education programs and to welcoming all who wish to work and learn with us. Any person, regardless of age, race, religion, ability, or gender identity, who is interested in wild life study, protection, and conservation, may be enrolled as a member upon receipt of the first payment of dues.
CVAS Events
Jan 15 - Feb 15 | All Day | Climate Watch If you would like to participate in a Bluebird Survey that aims to measure the effect of climate change on Eastern Bluebird ranges, contact Bill Ostrander, browncreeper9@gmail.com, for an area assignment. Each survey consists of 12 5-minute point counts. This is a National Audubon Society citizen science project. For background information check out Audubon Climate Watch.. |
Feb 8 | 8:00AM | Catharine Valley Trail We'll meet at the South Genesee Street trailhead in Montour (take State Route 14 north from Horseheads into the Town of Montour. Immediately after the NYSEG substation, turn left onto South Genesee Street. Immediately after crossing the bridge over Catharine Creek, turn right into the parking lot where we will meet. We’ll be walking the trail north toward Montour Falls. |
Feb 13 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM | CVAS Book Club We will discuss Soil: The Story of a Black Mother's Garden by Camille T. Dungy. In her memoir of motherhood, gardening, and environmental justice, Dungy recounts her seven-year odyssey to diversify her garden amid restrictions on what can and cannot be cultivated in her Colorado community. She warns of the perils of homogeneity in our gardens and in our communities, and why diversity always matters. Directions: Use Parking Lot A and enter the front door to the lobby. Proceed to the large staircase on your right and go up one floor. At the top of the stairs turn right. The Conference Room is the first door on your right. Or, use an elevator to the left of the staircase in the lobby. You can download our reading list here. |
Feb 15 | 8:00AM | Great Backyard Bird Watch - Big Flats Trail We'll meet at the west trailhead on Hibbard Road and walk east on the trail toward Sperr Memorial Park. |
Feb 20 | 7:30PM | CVAS Monthly Meeting Meet at Appleridge (Map), for a lively discussion about birding and a presentation from one of our knowledgeable hosts. A bird identification workshop precedes the program at 7:00 p.m.; the program begins at 7:30p.m. All are welcome to these free events. Appleridge is wheelchair accessible. You can connect on Zoom by sending a request to windingwayhorse@aol.com. This month, we welcome Brad Hammers from the NYDEC as he presents "Catherine Creek Rainbow Trout Fishery." Brad's presentation will describe the DEC rainbow trout management efforts for Catharine Creek/Seneca Lake, past, present and future. The presentation will focus on the results of DEC data collection efforts over the years and what is being done to maintain and enhance this unique fishery within the Finger Lakes region.
Originally from southcentral Pennsylvania, Brad received an A.S. in Fish Culture and B.S. in Fish Management from Mansfield University in 1988 then went on to earn an M.S. in Fish Management from Mississippi State in 1990.
Upon graduating, Brad spent 9 years working for the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission as both an Assistant Biologist and a District Biologist. His work dealt primarily with management of warmwater reservoirs and streams focusing on largemouth bass, striped bass, panfish, and catfish species.
Brad began working for New York Department of Environmental Conservation as Senior Aquatic Biologist in Region 8 in 1999. Since coming to the DEC, he has managed Hemlock, Canadice, Honeoye, and Canandaigua Lakes, along with trout streams in Chemung and Steuben Counties. Brad is currently responsible for fisheries management activities in Chemung, Schuyler, Seneca, and Yates Counties which includes Seneca, Keuka, and Waneta-Lamoka Lakes and their tributaries, as well as the Chemung River. |
Feb 22 | 8:00AM | Mark Twain State Park We'll meet at the Ek Birding Trail trailhead. Take State Route 14 north from Horseheads. Turn right at the sign for the Murray Athletic Center (before Pine Valley). Immediately after crossing the bridge over Catharine Creek, turn right onto the driveway to the trailhead parking lot. |
Mar 13 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM | CVAS Book Club We will discuss The Comfort of Crows: A Backyard Year by Margaret Renkl. Renkl moves through the seasons, from a crow on New Year's Day to lingering bluebirds in December. She writes of "radiant things that burst forth in the darkest places, in the smallest nooks and deepest cracks of the hidden world." Original artwork is by Billy Renkl. Directions: Use Parking Lot A and enter the front door to the lobby. Proceed to the large staircase on your right and go up one floor. At the top of the stairs turn right. The Conference Room is the first door on your right. Or, use an elevator to the left of the staircase in the lobby. You can download our reading list here. |
Apr 10 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM | CVAS Book Club Celebrate National Poetry Month! Bring a favorite short nature poem to share. Directions: Use Parking Lot A and enter the front door to the lobby. Proceed to the large staircase on your right and go up one floor. At the top of the stairs turn right. The Conference Room is the first door on your right. Or, use an elevator to the left of the staircase in the lobby. You can download our reading list here. |
May 8 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM | CVAS Book Club We will discuss Our Little Farm: Adventures in Sustainable Living by Peter and Miriam Wohlleben. The Wohllebens invite readers to their farm, where they describe how to plant and rotate crops, harvest and preserve nature's bounty, and tend to the needs of their animals and environment. They live according to their values as they care for Earth, home, and family. Directions: Use Parking Lot A and enter the front door to the lobby. Proceed to the large staircase on your right and go up one floor. At the top of the stairs turn right. The Conference Room is the first door on your right. Or, use an elevator to the left of the staircase in the lobby. You can download our reading list here. |
Jun 12 | 7:00PM - 8:30PM | CVAS Book Club We will meet to discuss our next book list. Directions: Use Parking Lot A and enter the front door to the lobby. Proceed to the large staircase on your right and go up one floor. At the top of the stairs turn right. The Conference Room is the first door on your right. Or, use an elevator to the left of the staircase in the lobby. You can download our reading list here. |
Other Events
May 18 | All Day | Blind Birder Bird-a-Thon 2025y The Blind Birder Bird-a-Thon is a 24-hour birding event designed for birders who are legally blind. This inaugural event encourages participants to identify as many bird species as possible by sound (or sight!), celebrating accessibility and the joy of birding. Find out more here. |
Wednesdays | 2:00PM | Birdability Outreach Program Webinar Series These webinars will cover various topics related to accessible birding and outdoor exploration for people living with spinal cord injuries and other disabilities. These webinars are open to everyone—whether you’re new to birding, an experienced birder with a disability, or an advocate for accessible outdoor spaces. You can register for individual sessions or the entire series, and each event will feature opportunities to ask questions and connect with others in the community. Register here. |
All Season | Montezuma Audubon Society |
All Season | Birding Festivals |